Saturday, August 30, 2008

NYC Day Two: 5Boro's Back to the Banks 8/16

Snake City's a great place to visit. Line up to hit the bank to wall.

5Boro's Back to the Banks, that took place August 16th, is exactly what a great skate contest should be. It's open to everyone, it's free, and it's a fucking mess that somehow moves forward over the course of an entire day, ending with a winner and some runners-up, and everyone is stoked.

Pre start of the comp and my favorite section--gap up the stair set.

Back to the Banks only reinforced to me how much cooler skating is than snowboarding. The bank to wall was snake city, with everyone trying to get hits in. Everyone was stutterstepping to get their turn to rush the bank in order to have enough speed to hit the wall. One guy was dropping off the top of the wall to the transition below, which seemed fairly gnarly until another guy dropped off the front of the wall onto the flat, switch. Verdict: Gnarlier.

Bank to wall.

Second was the bank to ledge, and after that was the jersey barrier spine. They finished with the stair set, where the skaters who still had energy were gaping the stairs, breaking their boards, and generally pulling off tricks that were making the crowd go nuts.

Forest was easy to spot thanks to his tie dyed tank top.

Local skater ripping up the barrier.

Final Section.

Chad Fernandez.

Dustin Charlton was impressing the crowd all day.

Check out for Skate Theory's coverage.

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